Monday 11 January 2010

Is it a sign??

Well, bizarre things have happened already for 2010... firstly I got back from Harrogate where I spent New year and my car blew up. I mean, not literally, like a car bomb, just nothing would work at all (and it wasn't a flat battery). As I don't have "homestart" on my insurance, my poor car is just sitting there, cold and broken. Next, I decide to check my emails after a 3 week absence, turned on the computer and that too is dead… and, apparently, can't be fixed. It has just decided (admittedly, it's 10 years old) to hibernate for good. Then last night I turned on the TV, heard a slight "pop" and then nothing. It too is no more. I ring my Mother for sympathy (why do I never learn) and she says "well, that's three things so you'll be ok now". Thanks Mum.

So does it indicate a fresh start do you think??

Also my council have just sent me a letter saying that in my block of 12 flats, we all have to share expenses for some new windows and doors to be fitted. The estimate for me alone is £5400. I nearly passed out. You can't say no to new doors and windows because it is in the lease that they have to improve things after a certain amount of time. I'm totally screwed. If they go ahead with it, I simply cannot afford that and I will have to sell my flat!!! So not great!!

BUT, BUT, BUT... I am still smiling (I know it's only the 10th January) and this year I am not doing self pity, I'm not doing pessimistic, I'm now (after yet another Mum stoic statement) not doing sympathy. I'm for karma, positivity, things happening for a reason, signs and jumping, hoping the net will appear before I hit the ground. I am not going to give a damn what others think (this'll be hard) and I will go out with whomever I want (even if I hear my father pronouncing "Oik" from the background!) as long as they make me happy. I'm going to have lots of sex too and am letting out my inner slut. In fact, this year is all about being happy and a tart.

1 comment:

westendmum said...

You go girl. I too think this is the year of the sex tiger.
I've memed you which means you have to tell 10 things about you and suggest 5 blogs for reading not including the person who memed you.
WEM xx